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CSS masks were added to the WebKit engine by Apple quite a while ago, namely back in April 2008. Masks offer the ability to control the opacity/transparency of elements on a per-pixel basis, similar to how the alpha/transparency-channel of "24-bit"-PNGs or 32-bit-TIFFs work.
These images consist of the usual R(ed) G(reen) and B(lue) channels that define the colors of each pixel. But on top there is a fourth channel, the alpha channel, that defines every pixel's opacity through luminance: White meaning opaque, black meaning transparent, and countless grey values defining the semi-transparent inbetweens. As you can see in the picture to the left.
With CSS masks it is an HTML element that gets this type of treatment. And instead of using an alpha channel you assign an image resource to a CSS property named -webkit-mask-image, e.g. -webkit-mask-image: url(mouse.png);. Transparency is then read from that mask image and applied to the HTML element, like the picture on the right shows.
These images consist of the usual R(ed) G(reen) and B(lue) channels that define the colors of each pixel. But on top there is a fourth channel, the alpha channel, that defines every pixel's opacity through luminance: White meaning opaque, black meaning transparent, and countless grey values defining the semi-transparent inbetweens. As you can see in the picture to the left.
With CSS masks it is an HTML element that gets this type of treatment. And instead of using an alpha channel you assign an image resource to a CSS property named -webkit-mask-image, e.g. -webkit-mask-image: url(mouse.png);. Transparency is then read from that mask image and applied to the HTML element, like the picture on the right shows.