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Avec la généralisation des technologies JS, CSS3 et HTML5, il est aujourd'hui possible de faire des sites Web qui n'ont rien à envier aux interfaces des logiciels que l'on peut trouver sur nos machines. Le revers de la médaille est une complexité croissante qui nécessite de faire appel à des professionnels . Quand vous devez faire un site personnel ou pour une association, il est difficile, à moins de s'appeler Cresus, de passer par un Web designer.
Heureusement des frameworks libres permettent avec un minimum d'investissement et de connaissances de bâtir des sites Web dans les règles de l'art. Nous allons dans ce billet parler du plus médiatique d'entre eux: Bootstrap. L'idée n'est pas de traduire la documentation officielle qui est par ailleurs très bien faite, mais de partager avec-vous mes méthodes que je suis en train d'utiliser pour développer le prochain thème du Blog de Nicolargo qui sera, vous l'avez compris largement basé sur Bootstrap.
Heureusement des frameworks libres permettent avec un minimum d'investissement et de connaissances de bâtir des sites Web dans les règles de l'art. Nous allons dans ce billet parler du plus médiatique d'entre eux: Bootstrap. L'idée n'est pas de traduire la documentation officielle qui est par ailleurs très bien faite, mais de partager avec-vous mes méthodes que je suis en train d'utiliser pour développer le prochain thème du Blog de Nicolargo qui sera, vous l'avez compris largement basé sur Bootstrap.
Parallax scrolling : responsive framework
Hi! I'm Jalxob and this is the BETA version of Cool Kitten. This is my first framework so if you see any issue please let me know it.
Hi! I'm Jalxob and this is the BETA version of Cool Kitten. This is my first framework so if you see any issue please let me know it.
A lightweight (2kb) micro-framework, elegant & minimalistic CSS3 grid system, made with only one container and 12 columns. It`s very easy to use and understand, pre-packed with some extra css helpers for mobile devices.
opentip is a javascript tooltip framework
yes - it’s free, open source and comes with different styles!
yes - it’s free, open source and comes with different styles!
Built using SASS and CSS3 media queries, Centurion is a responsive web framework that scales with your device. No longer do you need to worry about the screen size of an iPhone or an Android tablet since Centurion does the work for you.
Want to test Centurion out simply fork or download the repository on Github to get started and see the power a responsive framework can have on your next web project.
Want to test Centurion out simply fork or download the repository on Github to get started and see the power a responsive framework can have on your next web project.
Workless started out as a mashup of all the great things I liked about Twitter Bootstrap and HTML5Boilerplate. The more I worked with with it, the more I added in order to make life easier when working on any project.
It's now pretty much turned into a framework in it's own right, with all the stuff you need and none of the stuff you don't. It's about saving time and keeping your projects DRY.
It's now pretty much turned into a framework in it's own right, with all the stuff you need and none of the stuff you don't. It's about saving time and keeping your projects DRY.
HTML5 Bones is a template that goes back to basics and provides you with the bare minimum required to get going with HTML5.
Inline comments explain how and when to use some of the most common HTML5 elements.
Can also be used as a guide when building your own pages from scratch.
No JavaScript libraries such as jQuery or Modernizr are included, as they may be completely unnecessary.
It does include Normalize.css and original html5shiv as the former aids cross browser similarity and the latter is the minimum requirement for HTML5 documents to render in older versions (8 and below) of Internet Explorer.
Some of the WAI-ARIA roles are also included.
Templates that explain how to use HTML5 audio and video are also available.
Inline comments explain how and when to use some of the most common HTML5 elements.
Can also be used as a guide when building your own pages from scratch.
No JavaScript libraries such as jQuery or Modernizr are included, as they may be completely unnecessary.
It does include Normalize.css and original html5shiv as the former aids cross browser similarity and the latter is the minimum requirement for HTML5 documents to render in older versions (8 and below) of Internet Explorer.
Some of the WAI-ARIA roles are also included.
Templates that explain how to use HTML5 audio and video are also available.
Reuze is a teeny-tiny front end framework that makes structuring HTML and CSS for mid-to-large sized content-rich sites a breeze. It plays nice with other frameworks such as Foundation and Boostrap but also works equally well on it's own.
Quickly create semantic HTML5 code blocks that conveniently sit in 'namespaced' containers ('.ac' for article content as an example) and download the accompanying 10KB (or less) of CSS awesomeness from Github. It's responsive, IE8-friendly and topped up with RDFa Lite goodness!
Quickly create semantic HTML5 code blocks that conveniently sit in 'namespaced' containers ('.ac' for article content as an example) and download the accompanying 10KB (or less) of CSS awesomeness from Github. It's responsive, IE8-friendly and topped up with RDFa Lite goodness!
Built using SASS and CSS3 media queries, Centurion is a responsive web framework that scales with your device. No longer do you need to worry about the screen size of an iPhone or an Android tablet since Centurion does the work for you.
Want to test Centurion out simply fork or download the repository on Github to get started and see the power a responsive framework can have on your next web project.
Want to test Centurion out simply fork or download the repository on Github to get started and see the power a responsive framework can have on your next web project.
When I started writing for PHPMaster, my first article was about Zend Framework. Since then, the framework has released version 2 stable. Apart from the name, version 2 is really a new project compared to the older version; ZF has been totally rewritten. In this article I’ll give you an overview of the new features and the changes that have been introduced.
SMACSS (pronounced “smacks”) is more style guide than rigid framework. There is no library within here for you to download or install. SMACSS is a way to examine your design process and as a way to fit those rigid frameworks into a flexible thought process. It is an attempt to document a consistent approach to site development when using CSS. And really, who isn’t building a site with CSS these days?!
KNACSS est une feuille de style CSS minimaliste, responsive et extensible pour débuter une intégration HTML / CSS, et présenté sous forme de concentré de bonnes pratiques et d'expériences sur le terrain.
À la fois mini framework documenté et reset CSS, KNACSS s'adapte à tous les projets quelle que soit leur taille.
À la fois mini framework documenté et reset CSS, KNACSS s'adapte à tous les projets quelle que soit leur taille.
In the past CSS frameworks have dramatically changed the way we make CSS layouts. Layouts became modular and much more complex. What's hardly has changed until today is our toolset for creating these layouts.
Dirk Jesse is the developer of the CSS framework YAML. The successful release of the YAML Builder in 2007 was a proof of concept for framework-based visual layout creation. Thinkin' Tags is the intellectual child of a consistent development of this idea and it's now published in a public alpha release to show what's possible in the browser today and an idea of what will be in the future. And allthough, this first alpha release is mainly focussed on YAML, it's not limited to it.
We decided to release this public alpha version of Thinkin' Tags to show you what's our idea of browser-based prototyping CSS layouts and to get to know what you're thinking about it. So, please let us know what do you like, miss or need. And don't forget to have some fun, playing around in the app.
Dirk Jesse is the developer of the CSS framework YAML. The successful release of the YAML Builder in 2007 was a proof of concept for framework-based visual layout creation. Thinkin' Tags is the intellectual child of a consistent development of this idea and it's now published in a public alpha release to show what's possible in the browser today and an idea of what will be in the future. And allthough, this first alpha release is mainly focussed on YAML, it's not limited to it.
We decided to release this public alpha version of Thinkin' Tags to show you what's our idea of browser-based prototyping CSS layouts and to get to know what you're thinking about it. So, please let us know what do you like, miss or need. And don't forget to have some fun, playing around in the app.
You are at the Javascript Territory, where you can find all the most useful Javascript tools and libraries.
34Grid is a Responsive Grid System based on "equally distributed columns" layout basis. In contrast to other great grid systems (@see bottom of page), 34Grid provides equally distributed columns for each row. (and also column complements for inequal distributions)
If you're already familiar with grid systems and responsive web design just create&download a bundle and see what is inside. Else you may start with resizing your browser window.
If you're already familiar with grid systems and responsive web design just create&download a bundle and see what is inside. Else you may start with resizing your browser window.
WordPress theme frameworks are starter themes with basic design and a lot of features ( few of them had integrated theme options panel ) that will help you in your theme coding process, seriously reducing your development time.
If you want to spend more time in designing Wodpress themes, for sure you’ll need a framework to eliminate some of the repetitive code. Most of the frameworks presented here are HTML5 and use responsive design so my recommendation is to try these first. The best part of using a framework is the support that you can have via communities built around, also the optimization for HTML, CSS, PHP and mobile devices (not all of them). Don’t waste time and give a shot to these amazing open source frameworks and transform your website into something fantastic.
In this article you’ll find some of the best WordPress frameworks and started themes that will ease your work process. Try a few of them, I recommend the responsive ones because they’ll be a standard in the near future, and then decide which one will choose for your future projects.
If you want to spend more time in designing Wodpress themes, for sure you’ll need a framework to eliminate some of the repetitive code. Most of the frameworks presented here are HTML5 and use responsive design so my recommendation is to try these first. The best part of using a framework is the support that you can have via communities built around, also the optimization for HTML, CSS, PHP and mobile devices (not all of them). Don’t waste time and give a shot to these amazing open source frameworks and transform your website into something fantastic.
In this article you’ll find some of the best WordPress frameworks and started themes that will ease your work process. Try a few of them, I recommend the responsive ones because they’ll be a standard in the near future, and then decide which one will choose for your future projects.
This .NET Framework cleanup tool is designed to automatically perform a set of steps to remove selected versions of the .NET Framework from a computer. It will remove files, directories, registry keys and values and Windows Installer product registration information for the .NET Framework. The tool is intended primarily to return your system to a known (relatively clean) state in case you are encountering .NET Framework installation, uninstallation, repair or patching errors so that you can try to install again.
Personne ne pourra dire le contraire, le langage CSS est devenu un élément incontournable de tous les sites Web… En effet, aujourd’hui on ne peut pas se passer de celui-ci pour mettre en forme un élément de la page (couleur, taille, etc…), mais également agencer la page (disposition des blocs à droite, à gauche, etc…).
Acronyme de Cascading Style Sheets, ce langage donc destiné à la présentation, est aujourd’hui une ressource incontournable de l’écosystème Web. Reprenant à son compte la doctrine de la séparation du contenu et de la présentation d’un document, le langage CSS permet de factoriser les informations de style, et par la même occasion de réduire considérablement le poids d’une page Web.
Acronyme de Cascading Style Sheets, ce langage donc destiné à la présentation, est aujourd’hui une ressource incontournable de l’écosystème Web. Reprenant à son compte la doctrine de la séparation du contenu et de la présentation d’un document, le langage CSS permet de factoriser les informations de style, et par la même occasion de réduire considérablement le poids d’une page Web.
One of the problems hacktivists ran into when trying to disseminate useful information to people in Syria and Egypt was how to get through to people when DNS and web access are being filtered or outright blocked. Putting up web pages containing phone numbers of ISPs volunteering dialup access was something of a crapshoot because there was no guarantee that people would be able to view them. Someone (I don't remember whom) hit on the idea of contacting sysadmins in the Middle East by leaving messages in the access and error logs of their web servers. This works but pumping an entire list of phone numbers, usernames, and passwords by hand over HTTP requests gets old fast, to say the least.
Rants about PHP are everywhere, and they even come from smart guys. When Jeff Atwood wrote yet another rant about PHP, it made me think about the good parts of PHP.