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The default log format offered by apache is only semi-structured. It appears, as a human reading it, to have some kind of reasonable structure. However, to process this with the logstash grok filter, it requires a complex and expensive regular expression to parse it.
The best case for log formats is if you can simply emit them in a structured format from the application itself. This will reduce any extra parsing in the future!
The best case for log formats is if you can simply emit them in a structured format from the application itself. This will reduce any extra parsing in the future!
Responsive elements makes it possible for any element to adapt and respond to the area they occupy. It's a tiny javascript library that you can drop into your projects today.
Provide JSON and get a DOM node with a human representation of that JSON.
Why? At Event Fabric we need to display JSON to people from all technical levels without being too technical but also without losing information about the underlying JSON object.
Why? At Event Fabric we need to display JSON to people from all technical levels without being too technical but also without losing information about the underlying JSON object.
annyang is a tiny javascript library that lets your visitors control your site with voice commands.
annyang supports multiple languages, has no dependencies, weighs less than 1kb and is free to use.
annyang supports multiple languages, has no dependencies, weighs less than 1kb and is free to use.
DeepSound is a steganography tool that hides secret data into audio files - wave and flac. The application also enables you to extract secret files directly from wav, flac, wma lossless or audio CD tracks. DeepSound might be used as copyright marking software for wave, flac, wma and audio CD. DeepSound also support encrypting secret files using AES-256(Advanced Encryption Standard) to improve data protection.
It was predicted that computer graphics would one day give everyone the ability to create their own blockbuster film. But the software used for modern visual effects is still pretty complicated for the average user. At least until this magical software that can almost instantly turn a still photo into a 3D model is available.
Demonstrated at Siggraph Asia 2013, the software only requires the user to define the three dimensions of an object in a photo by swiping along them with a mouse cursor. Everything else, from generating and texturing the 3D model, to extracting it from the 2D photograph, are all handled by the software. It does away with the need for 3D scanners, multiple images, complex interfaces, and most importantly: artistic talent.
Demonstrated at Siggraph Asia 2013, the software only requires the user to define the three dimensions of an object in a photo by swiping along them with a mouse cursor. Everything else, from generating and texturing the 3D model, to extracting it from the 2D photograph, are all handled by the software. It does away with the need for 3D scanners, multiple images, complex interfaces, and most importantly: artistic talent.
The Geolocation API of HTML5 helps in identifying the user’s location, which can be used to provide location specific information or route navigation details to the user.
There are many techniques used to identify the location of the user. A desktop browser generally uses WIFI or IP based positioning techniques whereas a mobile browser uses cell triangulation, GPS, A-GPS, WIFI based positioning techniques, etc. The Geolocation API will use any one of these techniques to identify the user’s location.
The Geolocation API protects the user’s privacy by mandating that the user permission should be sought and obtained before sending the location information of the user to any website. So the user will be prompted with a popover or dialog requesting for the user’s permission to share the location information. The user can accept or deny the request.
There are many techniques used to identify the location of the user. A desktop browser generally uses WIFI or IP based positioning techniques whereas a mobile browser uses cell triangulation, GPS, A-GPS, WIFI based positioning techniques, etc. The Geolocation API will use any one of these techniques to identify the user’s location.
The Geolocation API protects the user’s privacy by mandating that the user permission should be sought and obtained before sending the location information of the user to any website. So the user will be prompted with a popover or dialog requesting for the user’s permission to share the location information. The user can accept or deny the request.
Test your website on any screen size including desktops, tablets, televisions, and mobile phones.
Today we’d like to share another set of transition effects with you. This time we’ll explore transitions for sidebars or off-canvas content like the one we’ve used in the Multi-Level Push Menu. The idea is to show some hidden sidebar with a subtle transition on the element itself and also on the remaining content. Usually the sidebar slides in, pushing the other content to the side. But there are many more possibilities for subtle and fancy effects and today we want to give you some inspiration.
The structure of our demo is very specific because we want to be able to show all effects in one page only. But in general, we need a sidebar element that will be either inside or outside of a push wrapper, depending on whether we want the sidebar to be on top of the push wrapper or under it.
The structure of our demo is very specific because we want to be able to show all effects in one page only. But in general, we need a sidebar element that will be either inside or outside of a push wrapper, depending on whether we want the sidebar to be on top of the push wrapper or under it.
There’s a lot of outdated information on the Web that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and insecure code. PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP popular coding standards, links to authoritative tutorials around the Web and what the contributors consider to be best practices at the present time.
There is no canonical way to use PHP. This website aims to introduce new PHP developers to some topics which they may not discover until it is too late, and aims to give seasoned pros some fresh ideas on those topics they’ve been doing for years without ever reconsidering. This website will also not tell you which tools to use, but instead offer suggestions for multiple options, when possible explaining the differences in approach and use-case.
This is a living document and will continue to be updated with more helpful information and examples as they become available.
There is no canonical way to use PHP. This website aims to introduce new PHP developers to some topics which they may not discover until it is too late, and aims to give seasoned pros some fresh ideas on those topics they’ve been doing for years without ever reconsidering. This website will also not tell you which tools to use, but instead offer suggestions for multiple options, when possible explaining the differences in approach and use-case.
This is a living document and will continue to be updated with more helpful information and examples as they become available.
Spritebox is a WYSIWYG tool to help web designers quickly and easily create CSS classes and IDs from a single sprite image. It is based on the principle of using the background-position property to align areas of a sprite image into block elements of a web page. It was made using a combination of JQuery, CSS3 and HTML5, and is totally free to use.
Icon Slayer generates all the icon sizes you need for iOS and Android apps.
Load your artwork into Icon Slayer, choose your options, then export for a tidy collection "ready to go" into your development environmen
Load your artwork into Icon Slayer, choose your options, then export for a tidy collection "ready to go" into your development environmen
Tutorial and exemples for using :NTH-CHILD
There are literally thousands of books available for web designers and developers online. There has been no language, no point of discussion, or no trend that has not, at one time or another, been extensively explored and analysed, and eventually published into a book.
If you do a simple web search on any web topic, you will find a book, if not a multitude of books, that has been competently written on that particular subject. Of course, you will have to pay for these books.
Today we have a selection of ebooks for you covering most aspects of web design and development. And the best thing about these books is that they are all FREE!
If you do a simple web search on any web topic, you will find a book, if not a multitude of books, that has been competently written on that particular subject. Of course, you will have to pay for these books.
Today we have a selection of ebooks for you covering most aspects of web design and development. And the best thing about these books is that they are all FREE!
Your data, your rules.
Securely self-hosting your websites, email, files and more has never been easier (or cheaper!). Decentralize your web and reclaim your privacy rights while keeping the conveniences you need.
Securely self-hosting your websites, email, files and more has never been easier (or cheaper!). Decentralize your web and reclaim your privacy rights while keeping the conveniences you need.
Generate CSS3 code quickly and easily with Create CSS3. Generates CSS3 for all the major browsers (Safari, Chrome, FireFox, Opera and IE). Created by Jason Stockton.
Device.js makes it easy to write Conditional JavaScript & CSS based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile).
Spending hours manually designing your pages for the responsive web? Layout your pages in minutes for beautifully responsive pages on desktops, tablets and smartphones.
If you don't already know, GitHub is an incredibly effective way to collaborate on development projects. Providing a place for anyone with an internet connection to have an avenue where they can share code with the world for free (not to mention the robust supporting tools for source inspection and easy viewing of commit histories). GitHub has been adopted by many large open-source projects as their primary home for collaboration and contribution.
But how do you join in and contribute to a project? Sure, you know how to use Git to track changes to files and push those files to a server. But there are major benefits to getting involved in larger open-source projects, and GitHub is arguably the best place to start. Today, we will discuss a few rules of the road for collaborating on open source projects, and give you the knowledge and intuition you will need to get involved.
But how do you join in and contribute to a project? Sure, you know how to use Git to track changes to files and push those files to a server. But there are major benefits to getting involved in larger open-source projects, and GitHub is arguably the best place to start. Today, we will discuss a few rules of the road for collaborating on open source projects, and give you the knowledge and intuition you will need to get involved.
Si l'on compare ces chiffres à l'an dernier, on peut noter une nette amélioration des résultats globaux. On passe d'un score Unixbench tout juste en dessous des 400 l'année précédente, à plus de 826 cette année.