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The Vibration API1 is an API specifically made for mobile devices as they are thankfully the only devices that have a vibrate function. The API allows developers to vibrate a device (in a pattern) for a given duration.
DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface. Here's what you should know before you start:
1-To pick your docs, click Select documentation in the bottom left corner
2-You don't have to use your mouse — see the list of keyboard shortcuts
3-The search supports fuzzy matching (e.g. "bgcp" brings up "background-clip")
4-To search a specific documentation, type its name (or an abbreviation), then Tab
5-You can search using your browser's address bar — learn how
DevDocs works on mobile and can be installed on Chrome and Firefox.
For the latest news, subscribe to the newsletter or follow @DevDocs
DevDocs is free and open source
If you like the app, please consider funding the project on Gittip. Thanks!
Sponsored by MaxCDN
That's all. Happy coding!
1-To pick your docs, click Select documentation in the bottom left corner
2-You don't have to use your mouse — see the list of keyboard shortcuts
3-The search supports fuzzy matching (e.g. "bgcp" brings up "background-clip")
4-To search a specific documentation, type its name (or an abbreviation), then Tab
5-You can search using your browser's address bar — learn how
DevDocs works on mobile and can be installed on Chrome and Firefox.
For the latest news, subscribe to the newsletter or follow @DevDocs
DevDocs is free and open source
If you like the app, please consider funding the project on Gittip. Thanks!
Sponsored by MaxCDN
That's all. Happy coding!
Daux.io is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.
PHPDocFill is a simple tool that allows you to easily complete your PHP script documentation in PHPDoc format
It was written with one simple purpose: filling up holes in your documentation. Have you ever needed to write PHP code so fast that you didn't have time to properly comment it? When you need to catch up, your only option is usually to open up every single PHP file and figure out by yourself what needs to be completed. On top of that, if your IDE doesn't support automatic creation of PHPDoc-like documentation comment blocks, you'll probably be annoyed by the syntax (/ ... ... /). PHPDocFill suppresses all these annoying steps and makes documenting your code a whole lot easier.
PHPDocFill comes as one unique PHP file that you place in a folder containing your PHP projects.
It scans the current folder and subfolders to find .php files and offers you to complete their documentation easily. PHPDocFill also allows you to generate a simple HTML manual, but bear in mind that when it comes to generating documentation, it will not fully replace powerful tools like PhpDocumentor. The manual that PHPDocFill generates consists of a simple index of the code elements (that you can select at the top of this page) along with their raw descriptions and tags if any. This version of PHPDocFill does not support the parsing and the proper presentation of tags. As stated before, you'll want to use a more advanced tool for better presentation.
It was written with one simple purpose: filling up holes in your documentation. Have you ever needed to write PHP code so fast that you didn't have time to properly comment it? When you need to catch up, your only option is usually to open up every single PHP file and figure out by yourself what needs to be completed. On top of that, if your IDE doesn't support automatic creation of PHPDoc-like documentation comment blocks, you'll probably be annoyed by the syntax (/ ... ... /). PHPDocFill suppresses all these annoying steps and makes documenting your code a whole lot easier.
PHPDocFill comes as one unique PHP file that you place in a folder containing your PHP projects.
It scans the current folder and subfolders to find .php files and offers you to complete their documentation easily. PHPDocFill also allows you to generate a simple HTML manual, but bear in mind that when it comes to generating documentation, it will not fully replace powerful tools like PhpDocumentor. The manual that PHPDocFill generates consists of a simple index of the code elements (that you can select at the top of this page) along with their raw descriptions and tags if any. This version of PHPDocFill does not support the parsing and the proper presentation of tags. As stated before, you'll want to use a more advanced tool for better presentation.
Great Instant Documentation Search for webdeveloppers
On my previous post I was shown how to shorten URL using Bitly API key. As well as Google also provide URL shorten service (goo.gl) for its users. In this post I show you how to shorten URL using Google URL shorten API. To working with this API you will need to get a Google URL Shorten API key. If you do not have get one from here for free.
Collecting all the cheat sheets
Google Web Speech API Demonstration
If you’ve ever integrated with another API that requires security (such as Twitter), you’ve probably consumed an OAuth service. In this article, I’ll explore what it takes to create your own three-legged OAuth server allowing you, for example, to create your own secure API which you can release publicly.
When dealing with OAuth, you will typically see it implemented as a two-legged or three-legged OAuth server. The major difference between them is that two-legged authentication doesn’t involve another user. For example, if you want to access a specific user’s Twitter information, you would consume the three-legged server because an access token must be generated for the user in your application, versus just Twitter providing you a token. We’ll focus on the three-legged variety since it’s more practical for real-world use.
We’ll use oauth-php to perform a lot of the heavy lifting for us. The library is hosted on Google Code and is not listed in Packagist, but it can still be installed using Composer. For details, check out the composer.json file in code that accompanies this article available from the PHPMaster.com GitHub account.
When dealing with OAuth, you will typically see it implemented as a two-legged or three-legged OAuth server. The major difference between them is that two-legged authentication doesn’t involve another user. For example, if you want to access a specific user’s Twitter information, you would consume the three-legged server because an access token must be generated for the user in your application, versus just Twitter providing you a token. We’ll focus on the three-legged variety since it’s more practical for real-world use.
We’ll use oauth-php to perform a lot of the heavy lifting for us. The library is hosted on Google Code and is not listed in Packagist, but it can still be installed using Composer. For details, check out the composer.json file in code that accompanies this article available from the PHPMaster.com GitHub account.
So here we're collecting all the shims, fallbacks, and polyfills in order to implant html5 functionality in browsers that don't natively support them.
The general idea is that: we, as developers, should be able to develop with the HTML5 apis, and scripts can create the methods and objects that should exist. Developing in this future-proof way means as users upgrade, your code doesn't have to change but users will move to the better, native experience cleanly.
Looking for a way to conditionally load these scripts client-side based on feature detects? See Modernizr. Looking for a guide to writing your own polyfills? See Writing Cross-Browser JavaScript Polyfills.
The general idea is that: we, as developers, should be able to develop with the HTML5 apis, and scripts can create the methods and objects that should exist. Developing in this future-proof way means as users upgrade, your code doesn't have to change but users will move to the better, native experience cleanly.
Looking for a way to conditionally load these scripts client-side based on feature detects? See Modernizr. Looking for a guide to writing your own polyfills? See Writing Cross-Browser JavaScript Polyfills.
Il est loin le temps où le JS était un sous langage utilisé uniquement par des deumeurés en mal de <blink>. Maintenant c’est un sous langage utilisé par des gens très sérieux. PHP l’a bien prouvé, on peut être parfaitement utile en ayant une syntaxe daubée, et Javascript se pare donc de tout un tas de trucs surpuissants en ces temps de HTML5, CSS3 et Rambo8.
Fini donc le temps où votre site restait prisonnier de son canvas en 800×600, maintenant votre dernière application de calcul de budget de croquettes pour hérisson peut enfin s’exprimer dans toute la hauteur et la largeur d’un écran Retanal grâce à requestFullscreen(), qui va vous permettre … d’appuyer sur F11 à la place de l’utilisateur.
Mais il aura à faire un clic de confirmation quand même. Car il aura un gros prompt bien alarmant avant. Le progrès je vous dis !
Fini donc le temps où votre site restait prisonnier de son canvas en 800×600, maintenant votre dernière application de calcul de budget de croquettes pour hérisson peut enfin s’exprimer dans toute la hauteur et la largeur d’un écran Retanal grâce à requestFullscreen(), qui va vous permettre … d’appuyer sur F11 à la place de l’utilisateur.
Mais il aura à faire un clic de confirmation quand même. Car il aura un gros prompt bien alarmant avant. Le progrès je vous dis !
De nombreuses personnes me contactent pour me demander comment réaliser une galerie de vidéo à la demande, sur leur site web. C'est ce qu'explique ce tutoriel : comment créer une galerie vidéo à l'aide de Youtube.
J'ai choisi de vous montrer le principe avec Youtube, car leur API est très bien documentée (comme toujours chez google), mais cela aurait pu être avec Dailymotion ou tout autre site de partage de vidéo disposant d'une api développeur.
En fait, l'idée c'est d'externaliser l'hébergement des vidéos, et de pouvoir diffuser des vidéos produites par des internautes lambdas. On économise le coût d'un serveur de streaming (et de la bande passante surtout), et on profite de l'aspect communautaire de Youtube.
Dans l'exemple, une vidéo est chargée par défaut et en dessous se trouvent trois vignettes ; un clic de l'internaute sur l'une d'elle chargera le film.
J'ai choisi de vous montrer le principe avec Youtube, car leur API est très bien documentée (comme toujours chez google), mais cela aurait pu être avec Dailymotion ou tout autre site de partage de vidéo disposant d'une api développeur.
En fait, l'idée c'est d'externaliser l'hébergement des vidéos, et de pouvoir diffuser des vidéos produites par des internautes lambdas. On économise le coût d'un serveur de streaming (et de la bande passante surtout), et on profite de l'aspect communautaire de Youtube.
Dans l'exemple, une vidéo est chargée par défaut et en dessous se trouvent trois vignettes ; un clic de l'internaute sur l'une d'elle chargera le film.
The history object isn’t new; in fact, you can trace its beginnings to the early browsers from the 1990s. While it has never been based on a public standard, until HTML5 that is, every browser has supported its meager, yet sometimes useful, functionality. Since its inception, the history object has provided a means to work with the history of a particular tab in the browser (or a window before tabbed browsing became the norm). This is sometimes referred to as session history.
The HTML5 revolution has provided us some awesome JavaScript and HTML APIs. Some are APIs we knew we've needed for years, others are cutting edge mobile and desktop helpers. Regardless of API strength or purpose, anything to help us better do our job is a step in the right direction. I recently shared with you 5 HTML5 APIs You Didn’t Know Existed in the hope that some of them would inspire you to improve your own web apps. I'd like to share with you 5 more lessor known HTML5 APIs -- hopefully you find some of them useful!
Today I would like to talk about video. Maybe you’ve got own video website, maybe you’re thinking about it, but anyway I think that our new information will be useful for you. As you know, video usually means that you need to have a lot of space at your hosting. And it is true in case if you store video files at your own server. But, in order to avoid all these difficulties (video storing and conversion), you can try to work with 3-rd party video hostings. As example youtube (or vimeo). In our new tutorial I will tell you how you can create youtube cross-uploader for your website.
In order to achieve our idea we will use
YouTube API v2.0 – Browser-based Uploading. In the beginning, we should prepare our own access token key. OAuth will help us with it. Then, we will display a form, where user can enters the video details (like title, category, description and keywords). When we have sent this information, Youtube will return us temporary upload token and url. Once we get it – we can start upload of selected video file.
In order to achieve our idea we will use
YouTube API v2.0 – Browser-based Uploading. In the beginning, we should prepare our own access token key. OAuth will help us with it. Then, we will display a form, where user can enters the video details (like title, category, description and keywords). When we have sent this information, Youtube will return us temporary upload token and url. Once we get it – we can start upload of selected video file.
Google's Map API is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries on the web, used by more than 350,000 websites. And with good reason – it's powerful and for six years was absolutely free. It spawned a wave of map mashup websites (who initially hacked the then-private API, which Google not only tolerated but encouraged).