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Si l'on compare ces chiffres à l'an dernier, on peut noter une nette amélioration des résultats globaux. On passe d'un score Unixbench tout juste en dessous des 400 l'année précédente, à plus de 826 cette année.
There’s a debate over which technique of creating mobile-ready websites is the best.
Google advocates creating responsive web designs, while Jakob Nielsen, a renowned usability consultant, endorses the creation of dedicated mobile sites (but he was subsequently slammed by some web designers).
A third option is also gaining in popularity, where the web server renders the appropriate HTML and CSS from the same URL depending on the device a web page on the site is being requested from (which has been referred to as responsive design + server side components).
This article will discuss each of these methods.
Real-world examples of websites using a particular method are provided under each section.
The mobile device used to test and gather data for all examples is an iPhone 4 using iOS 5.0.
Google advocates creating responsive web designs, while Jakob Nielsen, a renowned usability consultant, endorses the creation of dedicated mobile sites (but he was subsequently slammed by some web designers).
A third option is also gaining in popularity, where the web server renders the appropriate HTML and CSS from the same URL depending on the device a web page on the site is being requested from (which has been referred to as responsive design + server side components).
This article will discuss each of these methods.
Real-world examples of websites using a particular method are provided under each section.
The mobile device used to test and gather data for all examples is an iPhone 4 using iOS 5.0.
J’ai récemment du faire une comparaison des données entre deux versions de la base MySQL de mon blog. En cherchant comment procéder le plus facilement possible, je suis tombé sur le le freeware Toad for MySQL : Toad est édité par Quest et l’acromyme signifie Tool for Oracle Application Developers. La version Toad for MySQL propose les mêmes fonctionnalités, mais pour la base de données opensource MySQL.