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Responsive elements makes it possible for any element to adapt and respond to the area they occupy. It's a tiny javascript library that you can drop into your projects today.
HTML 5 officially reached “candidate recommendation” status at the W3C last month, with the goal of hitting final publication in mid 2014. This means that HTML5 will be “feature frozen” by June 2014: most additions to the spec between now and then will appear as better documentation, improved test suites, and the ironing out of any inconsistencies.
While programmers concentrate on supporting the technological panoply of HTML5, various working groups have moved on to HTML 5.1. That new specification, currently scheduled for publication in 2016, incorporates many efforts that did not make the deadline for 5.0, including Web Workers, Storage, Sockets, improved accessibility, and adaptive development.
While programmers concentrate on supporting the technological panoply of HTML5, various working groups have moved on to HTML 5.1. That new specification, currently scheduled for publication in 2016, incorporates many efforts that did not make the deadline for 5.0, including Web Workers, Storage, Sockets, improved accessibility, and adaptive development.
The HTML5 <details> element is a very neat construct, but it also has quite a serious usability problem – what happens if you follow a hash-link which targets inside a collapsed <details> element? The answer is nothing. It’s as if the target was hidden. But we can fix that issue with a little progressively-enhanced JavaScript, and an accessible polyfill for browsers without native support.
position: sticky is a new way to position elements and is conceptually similar to position: fixed. The difference is that an element with position: sticky behaves like position: relative within its parent, until a given offset threshold is met in the viewport.