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A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
Pour faire simple, un moteur de Template est une technique de programmation populaire qui permet de séparer distinctement l'interface graphique du reste de votre application.
Notez que par interface graphique j'entends toute la partie visuelle, la GUI, l'Interface, l'IHM, le skin, le visage, la moumoute, appelez ça comme vous voulez, ça n'en restera pas moins la partie qui constitue la communication visuelle avec l'utilisateur on ne parle donc pas uniquement du design mais aussi de la structure, de l'ergonomie, des animations etc...
Typiquement, un Template de projet web contiendra tous les fichiers html (structure),css et images (style/design) et JavaScript (animations).
Ainsi dans un projet web par exemple, le moteur de Template vous permettra d'avoir un fichier purement html/css/javascript d'un coté, et un fichier purement php/asp/java/... de l'autre vous dissociez donc d'un coté la vue (l'aspect visuel html/css etc..) des contrôleurs (le traitement pur des données via php/asp/java/ etc..)
Notez que par interface graphique j'entends toute la partie visuelle, la GUI, l'Interface, l'IHM, le skin, le visage, la moumoute, appelez ça comme vous voulez, ça n'en restera pas moins la partie qui constitue la communication visuelle avec l'utilisateur on ne parle donc pas uniquement du design mais aussi de la structure, de l'ergonomie, des animations etc...
Typiquement, un Template de projet web contiendra tous les fichiers html (structure),css et images (style/design) et JavaScript (animations).
Ainsi dans un projet web par exemple, le moteur de Template vous permettra d'avoir un fichier purement html/css/javascript d'un coté, et un fichier purement php/asp/java/... de l'autre vous dissociez donc d'un coté la vue (l'aspect visuel html/css etc..) des contrôleurs (le traitement pur des données via php/asp/java/ etc..)
Built using SASS and CSS3 media queries, Centurion is a responsive web framework that scales with your device. No longer do you need to worry about the screen size of an iPhone or an Android tablet since Centurion does the work for you.
Want to test Centurion out simply fork or download the repository on Github to get started and see the power a responsive framework can have on your next web project.
Want to test Centurion out simply fork or download the repository on Github to get started and see the power a responsive framework can have on your next web project.
Workless started out as a mashup of all the great things I liked about Twitter Bootstrap and HTML5Boilerplate. The more I worked with with it, the more I added in order to make life easier when working on any project.
It's now pretty much turned into a framework in it's own right, with all the stuff you need and none of the stuff you don't. It's about saving time and keeping your projects DRY.
It's now pretty much turned into a framework in it's own right, with all the stuff you need and none of the stuff you don't. It's about saving time and keeping your projects DRY.
HTML5 Bones is a template that goes back to basics and provides you with the bare minimum required to get going with HTML5.
Inline comments explain how and when to use some of the most common HTML5 elements.
Can also be used as a guide when building your own pages from scratch.
No JavaScript libraries such as jQuery or Modernizr are included, as they may be completely unnecessary.
It does include Normalize.css and original html5shiv as the former aids cross browser similarity and the latter is the minimum requirement for HTML5 documents to render in older versions (8 and below) of Internet Explorer.
Some of the WAI-ARIA roles are also included.
Templates that explain how to use HTML5 audio and video are also available.
Inline comments explain how and when to use some of the most common HTML5 elements.
Can also be used as a guide when building your own pages from scratch.
No JavaScript libraries such as jQuery or Modernizr are included, as they may be completely unnecessary.
It does include Normalize.css and original html5shiv as the former aids cross browser similarity and the latter is the minimum requirement for HTML5 documents to render in older versions (8 and below) of Internet Explorer.
Some of the WAI-ARIA roles are also included.
Templates that explain how to use HTML5 audio and video are also available.
We've put together this set of super awesome email templates so that you can make your email campaigns responsive!
Responsive, you say?
Yep. With more and more people pulling out their phones to check their email, we knew there had to be an easier way to ensure campaigns looked good on any device. That's why we recently made all our email campaigns responsive. Which had a lot of folks asking if we could do the same for them. And so we did.
Responsive, you say?
Yep. With more and more people pulling out their phones to check their email, we knew there had to be an easier way to ensure campaigns looked good on any device. That's why we recently made all our email campaigns responsive. Which had a lot of folks asking if we could do the same for them. And so we did.
When looking at personal sites of web designers and developers, you’ll often see a lot of unique (and sometimes insane) concepts and designs that you’d never see on any ‘real world’ website. Personal sites tend to be the one area where people allow themselves to truly unleash their creativity. This often goes a long way in showing both your own personality, and the ability to think a little differently from the herd.
We’re going to use one of my own plug-ins, jQuery Scroll Path, as a tool to transform a conventional site layout into something that resembles an interactive presentation. The sections of the page will be spread out and rotated across a two-dimensional plane, and bound together with a path that the browser window follows when the user scrolls the page.
We’re going to use one of my own plug-ins, jQuery Scroll Path, as a tool to transform a conventional site layout into something that resembles an interactive presentation. The sections of the page will be spread out and rotated across a two-dimensional plane, and bound together with a path that the browser window follows when the user scrolls the page.
Smarty est un moteur de template pour le langage PHP. Il vous permet de séparer davantage votre logique métier (logique applicative) et la présentation, en supprimant autant que possible le code PHP de vos vues. Certains développeurs et frameworks préfèrent ne pas utiliser un moteur de templates, d’autres au contraire ne préfèrent pas avoir un simple code PHP dans leurs vues.
Ces deux points de vue sont légitimes et compréhensibles, et à la fin, c’est surtout une question de goût. Quoi qu’il en soit, ce n’est jamais une mauvaise idée que d’essayer un nouveau concept avant de décider de l’utiliser ou non.
C’est ce qu’un tutoriel permet de faire, et je vais ainsi vous présenter le framework de template Smarty.
Ces deux points de vue sont légitimes et compréhensibles, et à la fin, c’est surtout une question de goût. Quoi qu’il en soit, ce n’est jamais une mauvaise idée que d’essayer un nouveau concept avant de décider de l’utiliser ou non.
C’est ce qu’un tutoriel permet de faire, et je vais ainsi vous présenter le framework de template Smarty.
Cherchant à rendre le formulaire commentaires de Sam et Max plus ergonomique, j’ai jeté un coup d’oeil sur le template lié.
I know you guys have waited forever for this tutorial but it’s finally here. In today’s tutorial I will walk you through the first step of creating a Tumblr Theme, designing up the bad boy. Because I want you guys to grasp all the aspects of creating a Tumblr theme from scratch our theme will be using every available call for a Tumblr home page. This is Stage 1 of a 5 stage tutorial that will walk you through creating your custom Tumblr theme. So, let’s get started shall we?
Unfortunately, CSS seems to get somewhat overlooked in this area while many developers (for good reason) focus largely on JavaScript performance and other areas.
In this post, I’ll deal with this often overlooked area by introducing you to the concept of object oriented CSS and how it can help improve both the performance and maintainability of your Web pages.
In this post, I’ll deal with this often overlooked area by introducing you to the concept of object oriented CSS and how it can help improve both the performance and maintainability of your Web pages.