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The term CSS delivery simply means "the way CSS stuff happens on a webpage". CSS can be used many ways by a web page and still work. Since there are many ways to use it, there exist many different CSS setups. Your CSS should help your webpage render fast, not slow down your webpage.
The way CSS is used on a webpage has overwhelmingly been determined by designers, not website owners. So the web designer is making lovely, well commented CSS code and has been placing it in several different files for clarity. They think, with merit, "I have done an amazing wonderful job". This is what they have been taught.
Unfortunately this practise and others ends up killing the performance of web pages.
As this realization gets out there, you will notice that web designers will start making code that helps their users by working as fast as possible, however, for the moment... You probably have CSS that is hurting your website rather than helping it.
The way CSS is used on a webpage has overwhelmingly been determined by designers, not website owners. So the web designer is making lovely, well commented CSS code and has been placing it in several different files for clarity. They think, with merit, "I have done an amazing wonderful job". This is what they have been taught.
Unfortunately this practise and others ends up killing the performance of web pages.
As this realization gets out there, you will notice that web designers will start making code that helps their users by working as fast as possible, however, for the moment... You probably have CSS that is hurting your website rather than helping it.
Welcome to the open-source Codepath Android Cliffnotes! Our goal is to become the central crowdsourced resource for complete and up-to-date Android content and tutorials. Just take me to the notes!
We have guides for everyone whether you are beginner, intermediate or advanced. Want to learn how to use the ActionBar or the ins and outs of fragments? We got that. Want to learn about testing or how to build flexible user interfaces for multiple devices? We got you covered. We don't waste time with the "theoretical approach" you might get from a book. We cover exactly the things we use every day as we are developing apps for contracts.
We have guides for everyone whether you are beginner, intermediate or advanced. Want to learn how to use the ActionBar or the ins and outs of fragments? We got that. Want to learn about testing or how to build flexible user interfaces for multiple devices? We got you covered. We don't waste time with the "theoretical approach" you might get from a book. We cover exactly the things we use every day as we are developing apps for contracts.
The Geolocation API of HTML5 helps in identifying the user’s location, which can be used to provide location specific information or route navigation details to the user.
There are many techniques used to identify the location of the user. A desktop browser generally uses WIFI or IP based positioning techniques whereas a mobile browser uses cell triangulation, GPS, A-GPS, WIFI based positioning techniques, etc. The Geolocation API will use any one of these techniques to identify the user’s location.
The Geolocation API protects the user’s privacy by mandating that the user permission should be sought and obtained before sending the location information of the user to any website. So the user will be prompted with a popover or dialog requesting for the user’s permission to share the location information. The user can accept or deny the request.
There are many techniques used to identify the location of the user. A desktop browser generally uses WIFI or IP based positioning techniques whereas a mobile browser uses cell triangulation, GPS, A-GPS, WIFI based positioning techniques, etc. The Geolocation API will use any one of these techniques to identify the user’s location.
The Geolocation API protects the user’s privacy by mandating that the user permission should be sought and obtained before sending the location information of the user to any website. So the user will be prompted with a popover or dialog requesting for the user’s permission to share the location information. The user can accept or deny the request.
There’s a lot of outdated information on the Web that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and insecure code. PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP popular coding standards, links to authoritative tutorials around the Web and what the contributors consider to be best practices at the present time.
There is no canonical way to use PHP. This website aims to introduce new PHP developers to some topics which they may not discover until it is too late, and aims to give seasoned pros some fresh ideas on those topics they’ve been doing for years without ever reconsidering. This website will also not tell you which tools to use, but instead offer suggestions for multiple options, when possible explaining the differences in approach and use-case.
This is a living document and will continue to be updated with more helpful information and examples as they become available.
There is no canonical way to use PHP. This website aims to introduce new PHP developers to some topics which they may not discover until it is too late, and aims to give seasoned pros some fresh ideas on those topics they’ve been doing for years without ever reconsidering. This website will also not tell you which tools to use, but instead offer suggestions for multiple options, when possible explaining the differences in approach and use-case.
This is a living document and will continue to be updated with more helpful information and examples as they become available.
Despite the huge amount of knowledge being shared on the subject of responsive design, I get the feeling that the workflow is still very mysterious. I’ve been thinking about a right process for quite a long time and finally came up with what I think is a good look at the practical side of designing websites in 2013.
Are you learning to code and need an easy, free way to host your projects? GitHub pages is your answer. Not only is it an easy hosting solution for websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, but it also gives you practice using Git, an important but tricky tool. This step-by-step guide gets you up to speed in minutes.
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is set of tags and rules to create web pages with attractive design to be displayed on the web browser. HTML 5 is the latest and the current version of HTML. The previous version was HTML 4. HTML 5 has lot of advanced features and facilities that give your website a rich, highly interactive and excellent look and feel through its latest and sophisticated Graphical User Interface (GUI) support.
The aim of creating HTML 5 was to define a single markup language that can be written in both HTML and XHTML. HTML 5 has many special enhancements, advancements and Application Programming Interface (APIs) support for different type of web applications whether they are simple or complex.
The aim of creating HTML 5 was to define a single markup language that can be written in both HTML and XHTML. HTML 5 has many special enhancements, advancements and Application Programming Interface (APIs) support for different type of web applications whether they are simple or complex.
Le discours de GoPro depuis le lancement de leur première caméra c’est « Be a hero », ce slogan affiché aux 4 coins de la planète et d’internet a peut-être su vous conquérir. On est pas toujours plusieurs lors d’une sortie surf, vtt, ski… mais ça serait dommage de ne pas utiliser votre camera pour rapporter quelques images de cette sortie ou de ce voyage. L’angle de view est de 170°, le fish-eye fonctionne très bien, et on peut quasiment toujours entrer dans le cadre. Tout est simple d’utilisation, avec 2 boutons on arrive à changer de mode, peaufiner quelques réglages et déclencher et tout ça prend une fraction de secondes… en revanche tout n’est pas aussi simple. Voici 10 astuces que l’on ne voit pas de prime à bord et qui pourtant font la différence au moment de tourner et monter votre vidéo.
Aujourd'hui, c'est l'application DaVinci Resole 9 Lite que nous souhaitons vous faire découvrir. C'est Greg Cervall qui vous présente ce tutoriel consacré au logiciel d'étalonnage de BlackMagic Design. Il va vous montrer comment télécharger, installer et bien paramétrer DaVinci Resolve 9 Lite.
Au programme :
• petite introduction de DaVinci Resolve ;
• téléchargement de l'application sur le site de BlackMagic Design ;
• passage de votre Mac en 64 bits ;
• connexion et premiers paramétrages de DaVinci Resolve 9 Lite ;
• petit tour d'horizon de l'application.
Au programme :
• petite introduction de DaVinci Resolve ;
• téléchargement de l'application sur le site de BlackMagic Design ;
• passage de votre Mac en 64 bits ;
• connexion et premiers paramétrages de DaVinci Resolve 9 Lite ;
• petit tour d'horizon de l'application.
What’s Google TV ?
Turned out that Google is also doing its own thing for the 10-foot screen. Google announced 2 versions of their famous new TV, the first is called the Buddy Box which is currently an expensive box manufactured by Sony and the second is an Integrated TV built right into the TV set that will be announced soon.
Turned out that Google is also doing its own thing for the 10-foot screen. Google announced 2 versions of their famous new TV, the first is called the Buddy Box which is currently an expensive box manufactured by Sony and the second is an Integrated TV built right into the TV set that will be announced soon.
I’ve had a Raspberry Pi lying around the house for a few months now. Every once in a while I’ll take it out and tinker around with it. When BitTorrent released the BitTorrent Sync Alpha a few weeks back, I decided to see what kind of options I had for using the program with my Raspberry Pi.
BitTorrent Sync is awesome. If you don’t know about it, you can read all about it here. In a nutshell, it allows you to sync folders between machines using P2P. No cloud necessary. I’ve been using it for syncing several gigabytes of RAW photos and video across my various machines. There is the occasional scenario however, where I’ve wanted to grab a few files, but my other machine is turned off. To solve this problem, I’m using a Raspberry Pi as a low power, always-on device with Sync installed. Just for kicks, I’m also using Owncloud (open source) to provide me with a web interface for accessing my files from any computer, including my mobile phone.
BitTorrent Sync is awesome. If you don’t know about it, you can read all about it here. In a nutshell, it allows you to sync folders between machines using P2P. No cloud necessary. I’ve been using it for syncing several gigabytes of RAW photos and video across my various machines. There is the occasional scenario however, where I’ve wanted to grab a few files, but my other machine is turned off. To solve this problem, I’m using a Raspberry Pi as a low power, always-on device with Sync installed. Just for kicks, I’m also using Owncloud (open source) to provide me with a web interface for accessing my files from any computer, including my mobile phone.
Tout savoir sur les GoPro hero 3 et GoPro hero 2
Voici un petit tutoriel pour paramétrer correctement Kitty pour afficher les caractères spéciaux et résoudre les problèmes de clavier avec vi et d’autres applications. En bonus vous aurez en plus quelques astuces pratiques.
La framboise314 est conçue pour fonctionner avec une carte SD. Pratique, léger et pas cher… Oui mais… comme toujours en informatique, il y a le côté obscur de la force ! La durée de vie des cartes SD est limitée entre 10 000 et 100 000 écritures ! Et votre OS ne travaille QUE sur cette carte. Même si les constructeurs ont intégré des mécanismes de répartition d’écriture pourquoi ne pas booter sur un disque dur externe ?
What are permalinks? Actually, they are just various links to entries of your website. Long ago, nearly all hyperlinks were permalinks, just because all content was static (static html pages). Later, with the development and popularization of programming languages, dynamic links began to appear. As example: dynamic listings of members, blogs, photos, etc. We ourselves can determine the permalinks scheme, in order to make them more friendly. As always, Rewrite engine (mod_rewrite module) is used to convert urls with different GET params into more human-readable urls.
In the beginning, I recommend that you check if ‘mod_rewrite’ is installed on your Apache server (phpinfo)
In the beginning, I recommend that you check if ‘mod_rewrite’ is installed on your Apache server (phpinfo)
How of many of you remember Compuserve? What about Prodigy? I'm asking because, back in the good ‘ole days, they were popular services that allowed you to communicate with other people from all over the world. In many cases, they offered complementary services, such as forums or classified services, not to mention a pretty appealing user interface (for the time).
Some of you may be too young to even know about those services, but I'll go out on a limb and assume that everyone's used either AOL Instant Messenger, Skype, or Yahoo! Messenger at some point. The main thing is that they were meant to facilitate communication. In the ever-growing world of remote teams and worldwide collaboration on projects, the ability to get good, immediate feedback is critical to solving problems. Interestingly enough, all of the services that I noted above, while awesome in their own way, have taken a backseat to another medium for developers: IRC.
Some of you may be too young to even know about those services, but I'll go out on a limb and assume that everyone's used either AOL Instant Messenger, Skype, or Yahoo! Messenger at some point. The main thing is that they were meant to facilitate communication. In the ever-growing world of remote teams and worldwide collaboration on projects, the ability to get good, immediate feedback is critical to solving problems. Interestingly enough, all of the services that I noted above, while awesome in their own way, have taken a backseat to another medium for developers: IRC.
Depuis quelques mois, beaucoup de développeurs et d’intégrateurs web entendent parler de responsive design , c’est à dire avoir un seul site web qui s’adapte parfaitement à la taille de l’écran de l’utilisateur…
Seulement au final, peu de sociétés ont le courage de se lancer dans cette voie, et de transformer leur site pour que celui-ci soit “100% responsive”. En effet, cela demande énormément de travail : il faut un design totalement adapté, une intégration quasi-parfaite, des choix marketing importants, une recette plus complète (définitions d’écran * navigateurs web = démultiplication du nombre de tests), etc.
Aujourd’hui, je vais donc vous présenter rapidement en quoi consiste la création d’un site responsive, et comment transformer, sans trop d’efforts, votre site classique en un site agréable à consulter sur tablettes et smartphones !
Seulement au final, peu de sociétés ont le courage de se lancer dans cette voie, et de transformer leur site pour que celui-ci soit “100% responsive”. En effet, cela demande énormément de travail : il faut un design totalement adapté, une intégration quasi-parfaite, des choix marketing importants, une recette plus complète (définitions d’écran * navigateurs web = démultiplication du nombre de tests), etc.
Aujourd’hui, je vais donc vous présenter rapidement en quoi consiste la création d’un site responsive, et comment transformer, sans trop d’efforts, votre site classique en un site agréable à consulter sur tablettes et smartphones !
CSS helps you in bringing down the infinite possibilities that you can use to create a perfect website. Working with CSS will make you feel comfortable and like a professional web designer as your efforts with CSS is going to be very little. However, you should have a better knowledge about CSS templates, buttons, frameworks and all related stuff of CSS before you begin your work with CSS on web designing. Though you find many articles online that help you to learn CSS, the below mentioned 17 fresh CSS tutorials will help you more to grasp the basic of CSS. Check out our previous CSS tutorials which will definitely work as a boost in your learning process.