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You're minding your own business, casually browsing around on the World Wide Web. You navigate to a page that begins to load and render, but suddenly it stalls. For a few seconds you stare at a partial white screen, appalled at the hiatus your device has placed on your browsing flow. Finally, the page yields and loads the remainder of the content. What just happened? It's likely that you've fallen prey to a poorly implemented Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus share button.
Social Networking widgets are a digital blot on the beautiful canvas we call the web. They often do not (with intent) blend with a site's design or with each other.
Social Networking widgets are a digital blot on the beautiful canvas we call the web. They often do not (with intent) blend with a site's design or with each other.
A simple li'l plugin that lets you make site content easily tweetable.
Inspired (and by inspired I mean I stole this) from a recent New York Times article doing the exact same thing.
Inspired (and by inspired I mean I stole this) from a recent New York Times article doing the exact same thing.
Responsive elements makes it possible for any element to adapt and respond to the area they occupy. It's a tiny javascript library that you can drop into your projects today.
annyang is a tiny javascript library that lets your visitors control your site with voice commands.
annyang supports multiple languages, has no dependencies, weighs less than 1kb and is free to use.
annyang supports multiple languages, has no dependencies, weighs less than 1kb and is free to use.
slimMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin, which is made to create responsive and multi-level navigation menus on the fly.
We have a great surprise for Designmodo fans – our first free HTML user interface kit.
Flat UI Free is made on the basis of Twitter Bootstrap in a stunning flat-style, and the kit also includes a PSD version for designers.
We have considered your needs in developing the html version of our UI Kit, which contains the same elements as the PSD version and are perfect for creating great websites. With this UI Kit, you can spend even less time on routine work, saving that time for creativity.
Flat UI Free contains many basic and complex components which are great for designers to have at hand: buttons, inputs, button groups, selects, checkboxes and radio-buttons, tags, menus, progress bars and sliders, navigation elements and more.
Flat UI Free is made on the basis of Twitter Bootstrap in a stunning flat-style, and the kit also includes a PSD version for designers.
We have considered your needs in developing the html version of our UI Kit, which contains the same elements as the PSD version and are perfect for creating great websites. With this UI Kit, you can spend even less time on routine work, saving that time for creativity.
Flat UI Free contains many basic and complex components which are great for designers to have at hand: buttons, inputs, button groups, selects, checkboxes and radio-buttons, tags, menus, progress bars and sliders, navigation elements and more.
Le JavaScript, c'est pas que jQuery
Great Instant Documentation Search for webdeveloppers
Une question que je me pose en ce moment… Comment, en PHP, comparer deux version d’un même texte et n’en faire plus qu’une contenant les différentes modifications. Basiquement : diff + merge. C’est ce qui est utilisé couramment dans les systèmes de Wiki (dont Wikipédia) et je vois quelques applications à cela qui pourraient être très sympathiques.
Après une petite recherche, voilà ce que je retiens de ce qui existe.
Après une petite recherche, voilà ce que je retiens de ce qui existe.
Read the jQuery source like a book like a boss.
As long as there has been jQuery there have been image carousels created with jQuery. The famous jCarousel has been out since 2006, the same year the first version of jQuery was released. However, with the explosion of users now using their mobile devices for their internet browsing — on iPhones, iPads, and the like — it becomes necessary for jQuery plugins to support a good user experience on these devices. Enter Flexisel, the responsive image carousel with options specifically available for adapting the carousel for mobile and tablet devices.
Check out the demo here. Resize your browser window to see how you the plugin can adjust to the window width.
Flexisel will adapt responsively as the screen width gets smaller...
Check out the demo here. Resize your browser window to see how you the plugin can adjust to the window width.
Flexisel will adapt responsively as the screen width gets smaller...
The jQuery slider that just slides. No fancy effects or unnecessary markup, and it’s less than 3kb.
Fluid, flexible, fantastically minimal. Use any HTML in your slides, extend with CSS. You have full control.
Fluid, flexible, fantastically minimal. Use any HTML in your slides, extend with CSS. You have full control.
This tiny (5KB, < 200 lines) JQuery Bootstrap plugin turns any DIV into a WYSIWYG rich-content editor, inspired by CLEditor and bootstrap-wysihtml5.
Chardin.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a simple overlay to display instructions on existent elements. It is inspired by the recent Gmail new composer tour which I loved.
This is it, the mythical drag-and-drop multi-column grid has arrived. Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid. It is on par with sliced bread, or possibly better. MIT licensed. Suitable for children of all ages.
A tidy repository of jQuery plugins
Swipebox is a jQuery "lightbox" plugin for desktop, mobile and tablet.
There are many ways on displaying our portfolio, one of them is using grid style with slider effect for pagination. In this tutorial I’m going to share about how to displaying our portfolio grid with flipping slider effect for pagination using jQuery & CSS3 Transform.
The slider will change our portfolio images when it’s flipping, this flipping effect is triggered by user click on the pagination. So when user click a page each of our portfolio images will flipping 360 degree and when its animation near end the image will changed with new image.
The slider will change our portfolio images when it’s flipping, this flipping effect is triggered by user click on the pagination. So when user click a page each of our portfolio images will flipping 360 degree and when its animation near end the image will changed with new image.
Today we want to show you how to create some exciting mouse hover effects using CSS3 and jQuery. So the jQuerymouse hover is really very attractive for visitor to see your website. There are 10 awesome style of jQuery mouse hover effect such as jquery popup, jquery mouseover event, CSS3 on mouseover, jquery mouseover fading magnifying etc.
20 excellent mouse hover effects with jQuery and CSS3 are listed below. I hope this article will help you web designers or new begginers for create their projects in less time. Please share this article with your friends and bookmark us for fast visit later.
20 excellent mouse hover effects with jQuery and CSS3 are listed below. I hope this article will help you web designers or new begginers for create their projects in less time. Please share this article with your friends and bookmark us for fast visit later.
Aviez-vous remarqué qu’en quelques années les carrousels avaient envahi quasiment l’ensemble des sites de média et des boutiques en ligne ? Les carrousels sont ces énormes blocs où des extraits de contenus défilent, comme un ruban horizontal. S’ils sont bien pratiques pour faire rentrer toute l’actualité et les promos, leur principal intérêt est de pouvoir “donner vie” à un site. Je ne savais qu’il y avait des sites vivants et d’autres morts. Je ne savais pas non plus que les internautes refusaient de visiter les sites statiques où “il n’y a pas de vie”. Bref, j’ai comme l’impression que la profession a adopté les carrousels sans trop se poser de question. Pourtant, ces éléments d’interface soulèvent de nombreuses questions