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glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system administrators in mind. glogg can be seen as a graphical, interactive combination of grep and less.
Lorsque l'on utilise des outils informatiques à longueur de journée, on apprend tous au fil du temps un tas de petits trucs et astuces nous permettant de gagner un temps considérable sans même nous en rendre compte.
Des raccourcis claviers, des astuces de manipulation qui ne font gagner que quelques secondes à chaque fois, mais qui mis bout-à-bout et répétés des milliers de fois vont rendre ton expérience beaucoup plus rapide, plus fluide, plus agréable.
Et même si ton entourage te considère comme un "crack" en informatique, je suis sûr qu'il y a des petites choses que tu ne connais pas.
Des raccourcis claviers, des astuces de manipulation qui ne font gagner que quelques secondes à chaque fois, mais qui mis bout-à-bout et répétés des milliers de fois vont rendre ton expérience beaucoup plus rapide, plus fluide, plus agréable.
Et même si ton entourage te considère comme un "crack" en informatique, je suis sûr qu'il y a des petites choses que tu ne connais pas.
Flash proxies are a new way of providing access to a censorship circumvention system such as Tor. A flash proxy is a miniature proxy that runs in a web browser. It checks for clients that need access, then conveys data between them and a Tor relay.
Tor has bridge relays, but in some cases even these can be blocked despite the fact that their addresses are handed out only a few at a time. The purpose of this project is to create many, generally ephemeral bridge IP addresses, with the goal of outpacing a censor's ability to block them. Rather than increasing the number of bridges at static addresses, we aim to make existing bridges reachable by a larger and changing pool of addresses.
"Flash proxy" is a name that should make you think "quick" and "short-lived." Our implementation uses standard web technologies: JavaScript and WebSocket.
If your browser runs JavaScript and has support for WebSockets then while you are viewing this page your browser is a potential proxy available to help censored Internet users.
Tor has bridge relays, but in some cases even these can be blocked despite the fact that their addresses are handed out only a few at a time. The purpose of this project is to create many, generally ephemeral bridge IP addresses, with the goal of outpacing a censor's ability to block them. Rather than increasing the number of bridges at static addresses, we aim to make existing bridges reachable by a larger and changing pool of addresses.
"Flash proxy" is a name that should make you think "quick" and "short-lived." Our implementation uses standard web technologies: JavaScript and WebSocket.
If your browser runs JavaScript and has support for WebSockets then while you are viewing this page your browser is a potential proxy available to help censored Internet users.
What’s with the name, you ask? Small-ish. Medium-ish. Large-ish. That’s the idea. Many have long been preaching to let content, not device widths determine breakpoints in responsive designs, so rather than determining several fixed breakpoints, ish. roughs out general ranges in order to better serve the entire resolution spectrum.
With legacy browsers, we often see Conditionial statements wrapped around our HTML element, so the browser can use the HTML tag relevant to the browser. Conditionizr steps in to take this conditional approach one step further, detecting those IE versions, and adds the relevant class-name to the HTML tag. This means no more conditional statements on the HTML tag. Conditionizr automates the process.
So here we're collecting all the shims, fallbacks, and polyfills in order to implant html5 functionality in browsers that don't natively support them.
The general idea is that: we, as developers, should be able to develop with the HTML5 apis, and scripts can create the methods and objects that should exist. Developing in this future-proof way means as users upgrade, your code doesn't have to change but users will move to the better, native experience cleanly.
Looking for a way to conditionally load these scripts client-side based on feature detects? See Modernizr. Looking for a guide to writing your own polyfills? See Writing Cross-Browser JavaScript Polyfills.
The general idea is that: we, as developers, should be able to develop with the HTML5 apis, and scripts can create the methods and objects that should exist. Developing in this future-proof way means as users upgrade, your code doesn't have to change but users will move to the better, native experience cleanly.
Looking for a way to conditionally load these scripts client-side based on feature detects? See Modernizr. Looking for a guide to writing your own polyfills? See Writing Cross-Browser JavaScript Polyfills.
Extensionizr is a simple way to jump start your chrome extension development. Just select the type of extension you want, choose permissions and you're off.
This is actually Node.js code running the http listener on Chrome’s Javascript VM!
While we like the Browserver project, it uses a reverse proxy and pushes requests down to the client via a websocket. Node-chromify took a different approach, and has no external server dependency.
You can get the source to the demo app, and a build of node.js (the script, not the whole node project) here: https://github.com/iceddev/node-chromify
While we like the Browserver project, it uses a reverse proxy and pushes requests down to the client via a websocket. Node-chromify took a different approach, and has no external server dependency.
You can get the source to the demo app, and a build of node.js (the script, not the whole node project) here: https://github.com/iceddev/node-chromify
One of the essential problems with any new technology is whether to adopt it and diabolically abandon users who are not able to upgrade or miss out on new possibilities and eventually become irrelevant.
The Five Simple Steps website has a responsive design with a neat feature. When the browser window is narrow, the menu in the upper right converts from a regular row of links into a dropdown menu.
S’il y a bien une tendance forte en Webdesign cette année, c’est le « Responsive webdesign ». Cette technique consiste à adapter un site quelque soit la taille et la résolution d’un écran.
Je vous passe les détails technique tant les articles sur le sujet son nombreux.
Et comme d’habitude en Webdesign, le plus pénible est de tester ses sites. C’est long et fastidieux.
Responsinator est un webware qui permet de tester en ligne le comportement de ses sites sur différentes tailles d’écrans. Les plus populaires sont référencées.
Je vous passe les détails technique tant les articles sur le sujet son nombreux.
Et comme d’habitude en Webdesign, le plus pénible est de tester ses sites. C’est long et fastidieux.
Responsinator est un webware qui permet de tester en ligne le comportement de ses sites sur différentes tailles d’écrans. Les plus populaires sont référencées.
CSS animations are right up there with sliced bread. CSS animations are efficient because they can be hardware accelerated, they require no JavaScript overhead, and they are composed of very little CSS code. Quite often we add CSS transforms to elements via CSS during :hover, and we also create keyframe-based animations by adding a className, but did you know you can animate elements using media queries as the trigger? Let's have a look!
Saying the phrase "user agent" or "user agent string" is tantamount to saying a swear word. Developers used to use the user agent to detect if a browser had a given feature, instead of, you know, checking to see if the feature actually existed via object or property detection. Those days are behind us though, but one of the web's dirty secrets is that the user agent still has many uses.
Le réseau Internet est devenu, en un temps record à l'échelle de l'humanité, un des vecteur les plus populaires dans l'accès à la connaissance. Nous vivons encore dans un pays qui respecte, mais pour combien de temps, l'accès libre à cette énorme source d'information. Mais "libre" ne veut pas dire "non contrôlé". Les évènements récents ont réveillé chez certains la volonté de regarder d'un peu plus près ce que vous faites à partir de votre navigateur Web. En tant que fervent partisan de la liberté d'accès aux réseaux informatiques, je vous propose de découvrir Tor, un système permettant de compliquer la tâche des mouchards en rendant anonyme la consultation des sites Internet.
Je me suis rendu compte récemment que je n’avait encore jamais fait de tutoriel sur ce blog.
J’ai donc décidé de me rattraper aujourd’hui en vous donnant quelques astuces pour surfer sur le net de manière totalement anonyme.
Evidemment ce genre de sujet à déjà été traité 1000 fois sur d’autres blogs, mais un petit rappel ne fait pas de mal et j’ose croire que certains de mes lecteurs pourraient être intéressés par quelque chose d’un peu vulgarisé/simplifié.
J’ai donc décidé de me rattraper aujourd’hui en vous donnant quelques astuces pour surfer sur le net de manière totalement anonyme.
Evidemment ce genre de sujet à déjà été traité 1000 fois sur d’autres blogs, mais un petit rappel ne fait pas de mal et j’ose croire que certains de mes lecteurs pourraient être intéressés par quelque chose d’un peu vulgarisé/simplifié.