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For some time now, we’ve been using various technologies to edit and store text within a web browser. Now with the contenteditable attribute, things have got a whole lot easier. In this article, I’ll tell you what this attribute is for, how it works, and how we can take things further.
When a user wants to change some information on a webpage it's often very jarring to ask them to go to another form to edit the content. Users find it difficult to understand how the changes they make on a form will effect the resultant page.
Therefore it's become common practice to allow users to edit the content in place. It's easy enough to do this by switching out content areas with Form Fields however HTML5 offers us another solution called contenteditable. It's not a particularly new feature, having been in IE since version 5.5 but its addition to the HTML5 specification and now broad support means that you can confidently use it on your website .
Therefore it's become common practice to allow users to edit the content in place. It's easy enough to do this by switching out content areas with Form Fields however HTML5 offers us another solution called contenteditable. It's not a particularly new feature, having been in IE since version 5.5 but its addition to the HTML5 specification and now broad support means that you can confidently use it on your website .