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If you don't already know, GitHub is an incredibly effective way to collaborate on development projects. Providing a place for anyone with an internet connection to have an avenue where they can share code with the world for free (not to mention the robust supporting tools for source inspection and easy viewing of commit histories). GitHub has been adopted by many large open-source projects as their primary home for collaboration and contribution.
But how do you join in and contribute to a project? Sure, you know how to use Git to track changes to files and push those files to a server. But there are major benefits to getting involved in larger open-source projects, and GitHub is arguably the best place to start. Today, we will discuss a few rules of the road for collaborating on open source projects, and give you the knowledge and intuition you will need to get involved.
But how do you join in and contribute to a project? Sure, you know how to use Git to track changes to files and push those files to a server. But there are major benefits to getting involved in larger open-source projects, and GitHub is arguably the best place to start. Today, we will discuss a few rules of the road for collaborating on open source projects, and give you the knowledge and intuition you will need to get involved.
A new photo community for sharing your photographs.
Upload, organise, and share your photographs alongside others.
Upload, organise, and share your photographs alongside others.
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian affairs (OCHA) has created a set of 500 freely available humanitarian icons to help relief workers present emergency and crisis-related information quickly and simply.
When a disaster strikes, it is vital that the humanitarian community can gather reliable data on the locations and needs of affected people and who is best placed to assist them. This often involves the need to present complex information in a way that everyone can understand.
When a disaster strikes, it is vital that the humanitarian community can gather reliable data on the locations and needs of affected people and who is best placed to assist them. This often involves the need to present complex information in a way that everyone can understand.
Openmeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming.
OpenMeetings is a project of the Apache, the old project website at GoogleCode will receive no updates anymore. The website at Apache is the only place that receives updates.
OpenMeetings is a project of the Apache, the old project website at GoogleCode will receive no updates anymore. The website at Apache is the only place that receives updates.
ThinkUp est un logiciel web libre sous licence GPL V3. Il a pour principale fonction de capturer toute votre activité sur les réseaux sociaux comme Twitter, Facebook, Google+ et Foursquare.
Ce logiciel va donc récupérer et analyser toutes les informations relatives à vos comptes sur les réseaux sociaux et les analyser pour en présenter différents aspects.
Ce logiciel va donc récupérer et analyser toutes les informations relatives à vos comptes sur les réseaux sociaux et les analyser pour en présenter différents aspects.
Chercher son nom sur Google peut parfois être inquiétant : certains résultats ne permettent pas d’améliorer son identité numérique. On pense aux profils sur les médias sociaux, qui peuvent parfois nuire à votre e-réputation. Bien-sûr, l’indexation de ces profils peut aussi devenir un avantage. S’ils attestent de vos compétences et de votre sérieux, cela peut influencer un recruteur. Mais si vous souhaitez opter pour un usage plus personnel de certains réseaux, vous pouvez faire disparaître vos profils de Google et des autres moteurs de recherche.
Pour celles et ceux qui ont pris la résolution de quitter définitivement Facebook en 2013, voici un mode d’emploi, pour mener à bien cette entreprise délicate.
Sauvegardez d’abord votre contenu multimédia : images et vidéos. Pour cela, vous pouvez faire appel à des services tiers comme Pick&Zip ou encore ceux mentionnés dans cet article. Ainsi, vous êtes sûr d’avoir à disposition une sauvegarde complète de vos albums photos.
Sauvegardez d’abord votre contenu multimédia : images et vidéos. Pour cela, vous pouvez faire appel à des services tiers comme Pick&Zip ou encore ceux mentionnés dans cet article. Ainsi, vous êtes sûr d’avoir à disposition une sauvegarde complète de vos albums photos.
Libertrip is a free & open platform to narrate your travels.
Whether it's a 3 week trip to Peru from last winter or next summer's road trip to the US East Coast, travelers narrate, personalize and share their itineraries to get advice and inspire others.
Whether it's a 3 week trip to Peru from last winter or next summer's road trip to the US East Coast, travelers narrate, personalize and share their itineraries to get advice and inspire others.
SEO tools can help speed up your process and save you time, allowing you to concentrate on the important tasks. But with so many out there promising the earth how can you decide what you need and which tools to choose?
To help you out, we’re going to list the best tools for specific SEO jobs. Some of them are free and some require a paid subscription, but most offer a free trial so you can check them out and decide if they’re right for you.
However, don’t go signing up to every tool you see here. First you need to make a SEO plan for your website and decide where you could benefit from some help.
When it comes to SEO, planning is everything. So make a six-month plan for your campaign and make sure you follow it through. These tools are here to help you with your campaign, but they won’t do it all for you.
We’ve categorised our chosen tools into the main tasks of an SEO campaign, in the order you’d normally action them, starting with the research phase. You can consider these categories as your top-level tasks when creating your plan. And remember, “He who fails to plan is planning to fail”.
To help you out, we’re going to list the best tools for specific SEO jobs. Some of them are free and some require a paid subscription, but most offer a free trial so you can check them out and decide if they’re right for you.
However, don’t go signing up to every tool you see here. First you need to make a SEO plan for your website and decide where you could benefit from some help.
When it comes to SEO, planning is everything. So make a six-month plan for your campaign and make sure you follow it through. These tools are here to help you with your campaign, but they won’t do it all for you.
We’ve categorised our chosen tools into the main tasks of an SEO campaign, in the order you’d normally action them, starting with the research phase. You can consider these categories as your top-level tasks when creating your plan. And remember, “He who fails to plan is planning to fail”.
Avec le succès des médias sociaux, le métier « Community Manager » bourdonne à vos oreilles. Vous réfléchissez longuement sur le pour et le contre, vous googlelisez ce terme, vous demandez l’avis de vos proches, et puis, la décision est prise : vous en recrutez un! Mais si vous ne voulez pas passer pour un amateur, voici 10 choses à ne pas dire à un Community Manager!
The following lessons are all based on my own experiences and screw-ups. They aren’t just related to SEO, but to my life, business and entrepreneurial pursuits in general as well. I hope you find them useful when it comes to avoiding the same mistakes I’ve made in the past!
Depuis plusieurs jours, j’ai légèrement changé mon attitude sur ce blog en publiant plusieurs articles par jour, modifiant ainsi mon rythme habituel d’un post par jour maximum. Ce n’est pas une révolution, mais ayant un petit peu plus de temps à accorder au blogging ces jours-ci, j’ai voulu expérimenter cela et en mesurer les conséquences.
Un projet SEO est un projet sur lequel l’attention aux détails est primordiale, car ce sont une multitude de petites choses qui feront de ce projet, un succès ou un échec. Dans la mesure où le trafic naturel représente certainement une grosse partie de votre audience, il apparait important de sécuriser un maximum de points tout au long du projet.
Livestats est un outils de statistiques de sites en temps réel apparut depuis peu sur le web.
Il propose des mesures d'audience de votre site en temps réel, et ce gratuitement, sans inscription, le tout avec une interface sobre et claire et précise !
Il propose des mesures d'audience de votre site en temps réel, et ce gratuitement, sans inscription, le tout avec une interface sobre et claire et précise !
Word to clean HTML is a free converter tool for documents produced by Microsoft Word and similar office software. Word to clean HTML strips out invalid or proprietry tags, leaving clean HTML behind for use in web pages and ebooks.
Le métier de community manager laisse une large place à la veille : la veille sur ce qui se dit sur nous, sur notre institution mais aussi la veille technologique qui nous permet chaque jour de découvrir de nouveaux outils, de nouvelles applications et autres widgets à installer sur nos écrans d’ordi, de tablette ou de smartphone.