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A text encryption tool, based on AES cryptography
How it works:
Mark needs to send personal text to Sarah, and wants that only Sarah can read it.
Mark writes here in Input field the text.
A password is automatically created. Or Mark and Sarah can estabilish a password for every communications over a secure channel (by voice, for example).
Mark can send the encrypted field OR the sharing url field over an insecure channel (for example a chat, mail, Skype, Facebook etc) where Sarah can read it.
Sarah opens the sharing url (or opens this page and pastes the encrypted text), enters the password and can read the original message in the decrypted field.
Note:MyWhisper.net and NOBODY in the network can technically see neither the original text nor the password, and not even the encrypted text if sharing url version isn't used, because all stuffs are only in Mark and Sarah browsers and all encryption/decryption is performed by their browsers with javascript. Therefore HTTPS/SSL access is useless.
How it works:
Mark needs to send personal text to Sarah, and wants that only Sarah can read it.
Mark writes here in Input field the text.
A password is automatically created. Or Mark and Sarah can estabilish a password for every communications over a secure channel (by voice, for example).
Mark can send the encrypted field OR the sharing url field over an insecure channel (for example a chat, mail, Skype, Facebook etc) where Sarah can read it.
Sarah opens the sharing url (or opens this page and pastes the encrypted text), enters the password and can read the original message in the decrypted field.
Note:MyWhisper.net and NOBODY in the network can technically see neither the original text nor the password, and not even the encrypted text if sharing url version isn't used, because all stuffs are only in Mark and Sarah browsers and all encryption/decryption is performed by their browsers with javascript. Therefore HTTPS/SSL access is useless.
What is RandomUser?
RandomUser is an API that provides you with a randomly generated user. These users can be used as placeholders in web mockups, and will save you time from creating your own placeholder information.
RandomUser is an API that provides you with a randomly generated user. These users can be used as placeholders in web mockups, and will save you time from creating your own placeholder information.
A Good User Interface
has high conversion rates and is easy to use. In other words, it's nice to both the business side as well as the people using it. Here is a running list of practical ideas to try out. Looks like you have 16 unread ideas.
has high conversion rates and is easy to use. In other words, it's nice to both the business side as well as the people using it. Here is a running list of practical ideas to try out. Looks like you have 16 unread ideas.
Dans l’épisode précédent "La sécurisation des mots de passe, c’est salée", j’avais expliqué l’intérêt du sel pour protéger les mots de passe de ses utilisateurs. On va voir désormais que cela n’est toujours pas suffisant, et que seul les poissons volants (blowfish) pourront nous sauver la mise !
Saler et hacher ne suffit pas
A la lecture de deux très bons articles sur le sujet : How to safely store a password (en), Exemple de stockage de mot de passe en Java : hashage et salage, est-ce suffisant ? ; on se rend compte que saler et hacher ne suffit pas !
Saler et hacher ne suffit pas
A la lecture de deux très bons articles sur le sujet : How to safely store a password (en), Exemple de stockage de mot de passe en Java : hashage et salage, est-ce suffisant ? ; on se rend compte que saler et hacher ne suffit pas !
Pour celles et ceux qui ont pris la résolution de quitter définitivement Facebook en 2013, voici un mode d’emploi, pour mener à bien cette entreprise délicate.
Sauvegardez d’abord votre contenu multimédia : images et vidéos. Pour cela, vous pouvez faire appel à des services tiers comme Pick&Zip ou encore ceux mentionnés dans cet article. Ainsi, vous êtes sûr d’avoir à disposition une sauvegarde complète de vos albums photos.
Sauvegardez d’abord votre contenu multimédia : images et vidéos. Pour cela, vous pouvez faire appel à des services tiers comme Pick&Zip ou encore ceux mentionnés dans cet article. Ainsi, vous êtes sûr d’avoir à disposition une sauvegarde complète de vos albums photos.
True story: I was tasked by the lovely Mrs Lawson to buy some curtains that match our carpet during the January sales. I dutifully did so — and had to return to the shop straight away because they didn’t match at all. Mrs Lawson accompanied me, and with a withering glance at her incompetent mate, immediately found some correctly hued fabric, and all was well.
But what’s a middle-aged colour-blind bloke to do? I had early in the curtain procurement process decided against cutting a hole in the carpet in order that I may take a sample with me. (All other mistakes aside, this was a correct decision.)
So, in order to ensure that I would never again repeat the mistake, I set out to make an app that would allow me to capture the colour of an image straight from my camera. Of course, it had to be a web app rather than a native app, because we’re web angels, not proprietary devils.
But what’s a middle-aged colour-blind bloke to do? I had early in the curtain procurement process decided against cutting a hole in the carpet in order that I may take a sample with me. (All other mistakes aside, this was a correct decision.)
So, in order to ensure that I would never again repeat the mistake, I set out to make an app that would allow me to capture the colour of an image straight from my camera. Of course, it had to be a web app rather than a native app, because we’re web angels, not proprietary devils.
Open Source User Authentication & Management.