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As for the image lightboxes, I have always lacked simplicity for them. I mean not only the visual design, but the overall experience: from implementation to UX. All due respect, but I have never liked any of these light-fancy-face-boxes. They all were solving problems that just don't exist: lots of unwanted features by default, total mess in markup, no native behavior for touch screens. I was working on a project and needed an image lightbox that solves these problems. I needed a lightbox only for images, not video, text, and iframes at once. I made ImageLightbox.js.
Patterns for the people, by the people
Freepik is a search engine that helps graphic and web designers to locate high quality photos, vectors, illustrations and PSD files for their creative projects.
Freepik tracks and locates free graphic content on the Internet and it displays the results in an orderly layout for easy access. Freepik makes it easier for you to find the files you need without manually searching dozens of websites
Freepik tracks and locates free graphic content on the Internet and it displays the results in an orderly layout for easy access. Freepik makes it easier for you to find the files you need without manually searching dozens of websites
TinyPNG uses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG files. By selectively decreasing the number of colours in the image, fewer bytes are required to store the data. The effect is nearly invisible but it makes a very large difference in file size!
Spritebox is a WYSIWYG tool to help web designers quickly and easily create CSS classes and IDs from a single sprite image. It is based on the principle of using the background-position property to align areas of a sprite image into block elements of a web page. It was made using a combination of JQuery, CSS3 and HTML5, and is totally free to use.
A new photo community for sharing your photographs.
Upload, organise, and share your photographs alongside others.
Upload, organise, and share your photographs alongside others.
QGifer is a tool for extracting part of a video to an animated GIF file.
Image gallery lightboxes have been around for many years. They generally provide a great user experience until you attempt to load an image which is larger than the viewport dimensions. Developers often forget this important check and you’re presented with a centered image which is difficult to remove. The problem can be exacerbated on mobile devices.
Until recently, image lightboxes would need to implement several equations to determine the viewport and image dimensions then size and center accordingly. Fortunately, we can now rely on CSS3 media queries and transforms to do the hard work for us.
Until recently, image lightboxes would need to implement several equations to determine the viewport and image dimensions then size and center accordingly. Fortunately, we can now rely on CSS3 media queries and transforms to do the hard work for us.
Qui n’a jamais galéré pour convertir correctement une bête image .PNG en fichier .ICO et vice et versa sans avoir de rendus horribles, de problèmes de tailles etc… ?
Alors bien sûr il existe une tonne de services web, de programmes, et de gadgets en tout genre permettant de faire ça, mais c’est généralement compliqué d’en trouver un qui soit simultanément bon, simple d’utilisation, sans inscription, sans installation, à la bonne taille, sans perte de qualité etc…
Or il se trouve que j’utilise cette perle rare depuis quelques années déjà, et que je me suis récemment apercu avec horreur que je n’en avais jamais parlé ici !! Mesdames et MesGeeks, sans faillir plus longtemps je vous présente : ToyCon
Alors bien sûr il existe une tonne de services web, de programmes, et de gadgets en tout genre permettant de faire ça, mais c’est généralement compliqué d’en trouver un qui soit simultanément bon, simple d’utilisation, sans inscription, sans installation, à la bonne taille, sans perte de qualité etc…
Or il se trouve que j’utilise cette perle rare depuis quelques années déjà, et que je me suis récemment apercu avec horreur que je n’en avais jamais parlé ici !! Mesdames et MesGeeks, sans faillir plus longtemps je vous présente : ToyCon
A lightweight image gallery modal window script which uses only CSS3 for silky-smooth animations and transitions. The goal was to great an image gallery script that utilizes GPU rending instead is the 90% scripts out there which are using javascript to move things around the old fashioned way.
An average page is now over 1200kB in size and 60% of that is in images. With all the focus on performance and speed across the web performance industry, you would think that innovating on better image formats would be a top agenda item. Not so. Instead, we are living in a self-imposed world of scarcity of formats, effectively limiting ourselves to gif’s, png’s and jpeg’s.
In practice, deploying new image formats has been painful - just think back to the saga of png. But one would also hope that png was not the last. In fact, if we really want to make an impact on web performance, then image formats is the place to do it. There is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't have dozens of specialized formats, each tailored for a specific case and type of image. But before we get there, we need to iron out some kinks...
In practice, deploying new image formats has been painful - just think back to the saga of png. But one would also hope that png was not the last. In fact, if we really want to make an impact on web performance, then image formats is the place to do it. There is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't have dozens of specialized formats, each tailored for a specific case and type of image. But before we get there, we need to iron out some kinks...
We’re a group of developers working towards a markup-based means of delivering alternate image sources based on device capabilities to prevent wasted bandwidth and optimize display for both screen and print.
I discovered how to create circular images using CSS3 the other day and thought it was totally awesome. The only drawback is that the image has to appear as a background image. You can’t really do this effect directly to an image that is displayed using an image tag. What this means is that no one will be able to actually click and drag the image onto their desktop, but that might be totally okay with you.
What's the easiest way to scale background images in responsive layouts? We use an old technique and enhance it to fluidly change the aspect ratio of background images.
Responsive layouts make it possible to dynamically scale the width of a website to fit on small mobile devices as well as larger desktop computers. An <img> element with a percentual width will have its height automatically adjusted. Its aspect ratio remains the same when it is resized.
If we want to accomplish the same with background images we must figure out how to maintain the aspect ratio of any HTML element.
Responsive layouts make it possible to dynamically scale the width of a website to fit on small mobile devices as well as larger desktop computers. An <img> element with a percentual width will have its height automatically adjusted. Its aspect ratio remains the same when it is resized.
If we want to accomplish the same with background images we must figure out how to maintain the aspect ratio of any HTML element.
If you haven't heard about it already: Fotor is a powerful and easy-to-use online photo editor. It comes with many useful and fun effects and you can also use the iPhone and Android apps for your mobile phone.
Parmi la foultitude d’événements gérés par Javascript, il existe l’événement error. Son utilisation est assez obscure et manque un peu d’intérêt dans bien des cas. A tel point que l’équipe de jQuery a décidé d’en suspendre le support tout en livrant la méthode « en l’état » pour qui veut s’amuser avec.
Cet événement est applicable à l’objet window et image seulement et est déclenché, comme on peut s’en douter, lorsqu’une erreur intervient sur l’un de ces éléments. On laissera rapidement de côté l’objet window pour s’intéresser aux erreurs de l’objet image.
Quelques idées me viennent.
Cet événement est applicable à l’objet window et image seulement et est déclenché, comme on peut s’en douter, lorsqu’une erreur intervient sur l’un de ces éléments. On laissera rapidement de côté l’objet window pour s’intéresser aux erreurs de l’objet image.
Quelques idées me viennent.
Si vous ne le savez pas encore, markItUp! est un plugin pour jQuery qui permet de transformer n’importe quel textarea en éditeur de tags configurable à souhait et ce, de manière totalement non intrusive.
Pour faire suite au premier tutoriel, voici un exemple de configurations un peu plus avancées mettant en scène un élément extérieur qui interagira avec l’éditeur. Ici nous allons utiliser un simple badge Flickr comme une mini-librairie d’images interfacé avec notre éditeur markItUp!.
Pour faire suite au premier tutoriel, voici un exemple de configurations un peu plus avancées mettant en scène un élément extérieur qui interagira avec l’éditeur. Ici nous allons utiliser un simple badge Flickr comme une mini-librairie d’images interfacé avec notre éditeur markItUp!.
We’re a group of developers working towards a markup-based means of delivering alternate image sources based on device capabilities.
Que vous soyez un passionné de photo ou une PME avec des besoins précis pour illustrer vos supports de communication web ou print, les sites de microstock vous permettent de trouver et d'acheter diverses images libres de droits à des prix compétitifs.
Avec le développement d'Internet, le monde de la photo a découvert un nouveau canal de distribution avec ses forces et ses faiblesses, inondant le marché de visuels à bas prix, pour la plus grande satisfaction des collectionneurs, des TPE aux budgets serrés et des professionnels du web qui ont plus que jamais besoin d'illustrations.
Avec le développement d'Internet, le monde de la photo a découvert un nouveau canal de distribution avec ses forces et ses faiblesses, inondant le marché de visuels à bas prix, pour la plus grande satisfaction des collectionneurs, des TPE aux budgets serrés et des professionnels du web qui ont plus que jamais besoin d'illustrations.