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Fully customizable content ingestion wizard, enabling end users to upload and import media from various sources.
Kaltura’s ingestion engine allows users to add videos, photos, and audio files in a wide variety of formats. The engine is extremely flexible and easy to customize, allowing publishers to include different features and functionalities
Kaltura’s ingestion engine allows users to add videos, photos, and audio files in a wide variety of formats. The engine is extremely flexible and easy to customize, allowing publishers to include different features and functionalities
In previous post I have explined about getting the Facebook page details using Graph API and PHP. Now this post is about to get the Twitter Follower Count using PHP.
For this method what you will need is just and User Name of the Twitter Account. For Example Expert Developer’s Twitter Account is XpertDevelopers.
For this method what you will need is just and User Name of the Twitter Account. For Example Expert Developer’s Twitter Account is XpertDevelopers.
Here we go with the 3rd step. In this tutorial you will learn how to publish a full featured feed post to your friends’ wall, and to handle “umlauts” characters like “äöü” for the pleasure of our German readers, and for every user who has friends whose names contain special characters.
Voilà bientôt un an que j’ai publié un tutoriel sur la graph API de Facebook, je vous propose une nouvelle version qui apporte quelques fonctionnalités supplémentaires.
J’ai donc créé un widget, qui permet d’afficher le mur d’une page fan ou de l’un de vos amis (ceux ayant choisi de partager des informations avec vous).
J’ai donc créé un widget, qui permet d’afficher le mur d’une page fan ou de l’un de vos amis (ceux ayant choisi de partager des informations avec vous).
Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.
Le métier de community manager laisse une large place à la veille : la veille sur ce qui se dit sur nous, sur notre institution mais aussi la veille technologique qui nous permet chaque jour de découvrir de nouveaux outils, de nouvelles applications et autres widgets à installer sur nos écrans d’ordi, de tablette ou de smartphone.